Saturday, October 30, 2010


1. A podcast or podcasting is a series of digital media files that were released episodically and often downloaded through web syndication. This technology can be used in many different ways in the classroom such as maybe a teacher teaching or giving instruction through this or maybe a student doing a project on a podcast live.

2. The podcasting is different and similar in many ways from the web 2.0 application. Similar in the fact that web 2.0 offers or does have some of the same feature as podcasting when it comes to live mainstreaming or being on the net live. Its different a little because to me because i think podcasting is becoming more popular.

3. And i do own an ipod touch but also have the new iPhone 4, and i love both because with the ipod touch which is really similar to the iPhone u can download songs and videos and play games as well and with the iPhone you can do just about anything with it its amazing technology. And i think there is some things i would use it for in my classroom and think as technology increases u will use it for allot of things. I think the advantages of online communications tools are great they let people get things out easier and also there so many different routes and avenues that you can accesses to help you do just about anything. There are a few disadvantages in the fact that sometimes people can go a little to far with stuff and sometimes things aren't always as private as they use to be with advances in commutation tools.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Week 7 blog

I would have my students use wikis or blogs for various different things i suppose. For instance on the blogs i could have the students in my health or P.E class blog about different ways they exercise throughout the week to keep healthy or too workout. I could also have them blog about what they eat throughout the week to keep up with a healthy balanced diet. Or could even have them use the wikis to keep up and have a better track of things instead of keeping it on paper so they could go back and look at it easier.

Social bookmarking is a pretty cool way to share material with fellow students or friends but also would think there is just as easy ways to do this other than social bookmarking. I think in certain cases it would be useful for my students. For instance in case i need them to find many different sites foe certain things in class and need to share that information with there classmates then it would come in handy. And i would be interested in creating a voice thread, i think they are pretty cool be able to access them through DVDs and mp3 which allot of us use. And also being able to make different voice or designing how u want it to look and sound.

I think learning communties are good way to help students achieve many goals. Without these support groups somtimes it would very hard for some students to make it through. I also believe that it would be very uesful for me as a teacher, these learning commuties have been used by teachers and students foe awhile now, and its diffently not going to hurt me to take advantage of this as a teacher.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Blogg asst.#2

You can use assessment activities for various things such as to see were your students in your class maybe. For example maybe how there responding to your teaching or lectures. You can use drills in class such as P.E to determine there skills or how the students are responding to how you are teaching your skills. These so called drills will give u great feedback and also help the students themselves.

A portfolio can be several different things it can be a collection of student work that exhibits the students efforts, progress, and achievements. This can help teachers and students in many ways for the student it shows all the work and progress the student has made and maybe awards along the way. For teachers it can make things easier for them to see how the student has learned over the semester. A computer based test is method of administering test in which the responses are electronically, re cored, assessed, or both. And i think that it does impact validity and reliability. Because it takes out the manual mistake, or manual processing.

Overall in this blog i hope u learned what a computer based test and a little about assessment activities and how you can use them in your classroom and what they can do for your students like i did.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Blog Assignment

We have to respect copy rules because that is somebody who has put in time and effort into there work or creation and it belongs to them. The constitutions gives us the freedom to speech but not copy someone else or there work. Without these rules in place then not only would people have a hard time getting credit for there work but it would be a free for all to copy other peoples work. I think i would teach my students that successes dosen't come easy u have to work hard for what u want. And also stress the fact that it is easy to cheat but you will never get any satisfaction from it. And explain why these rules are in effect for that reason.

Online safety is a little different than cyber bullying in the fact u can do things too help protect your self from things online like not give out personal info too people or sites u don't trust. Where as cyber bullying is something that someone u know can say things to you or miss up personal things up for you online. Such as chat lines are a real good example as well as facebook which everyone knows about and maybe even on line dating sites. Safety can apply to these sites as well because u want to be really careful with what kind of information u put out there because u never know who your talking to for sure. So overall just be careful about what u say and how much info u give out while on these sites or online period.

I thought this week activities were very helpful with learning a little more about technology and online safety. And there were a few things i learned that i didnt know as well as helping me remember about the things that i did know. Things are very different with technolgy these days and there are alot of predtors out there especaily with the way the economy is people always looking to take other peoples things and money u have too be really careful.